Showing 17 Result(s)


Are you interested in joining this cruise to Cuba? You can make it a girls trip, a family vacation, a family reunion, or a romantic couples getaway. Cuba has recently been open to American tourists, and won’t remain the beautiful, untouched destination it currently is forever. If you’d like to visit this outstanding locale, here’s …


The mysterious and previously forbidden island. To think of setting foot in a place that basically stopped time in the 50’s…it’s awe-inspiring! The buildings, the cars, the PEOPLE! This place has definitely been on my “to-do” list for years! I’m very excited to announce I’ll be cruising there next year…2020. You are welcome to join …

Winter Escapes!

Nothing like feeling the heat of the sun and sand between your toes deep in the heart of winter! Here are some specials going on right now for January: Cozumel-$950 per person at the Grand Park Royal Luxury Resort & Spa, air from Springfield, 4 nights, all meals, beverages, taxes, and tips. Kauai, Hawaii-$1793 per …

An Irish Exploration August 3-10, 2019!

It’s an Irish road trip and pub hop! The estimated cost per personĀ  is approximately $2,000 (which should be cheaper once the final number is established) which includes airfare from Springfield (or other locations), B&B’s each night, breakfast every morning, and one night of dinner. vehicle to drive entire stay The thought is you can …

Mukul, the Mayan word for “secret”

“Mukul” is the Mayan word for “secret,” and at Mukul Beach, Golf & Spa on Nicaragua’s Emerald Beach, another secret is ready to be discovered every day. This hidden gem offers breathtaking views of turquoise waters and verdant mountains, hikes up dramatic cliffs, and short helicopter rides to beautiful islands and fascinating volcanoes. The Emerald …

Pre-Christmas Specials

There are many “last minute” specials going on right now. Here’s just a few: NYC- 3 nights with air (pricing on this one includes air from Springfield, MO), Westgate Hotel, and taxes from $667 per person! Do some Christmas shopping, catch a show, see the famous Rockefeller tree and lights, or just have a great, …

Alaska Cruise / Tour – 17 May, 2019

Alaska. The great wilderness. It is truly like no other place on earth. Locals say the best time to travel there is spring, May, for seeing lots of wild life. That’s because the mommas are still down low on the mountains. Once summer kicks in, they move to cooler climes, higher up in the mountains …