Showing 8 Result(s)

Great Deals I Found This Week:

While researching for people’s ideal vacation getaways, I often come across GREAT prices on places you may not have thought it’s possible to see. For instance, I was looking for a cruise in the Mediterranean for a friend and found a fantastic price on a 7 day cruise from Venice to various spots in Italy, …


Today, I’d really like to hear from you! I’d like to hear about your funniest vacation mishap! Sometimes these mishaps turn into our best stories of our trips! Often, the mishaps stand out in our memories way more than the perfectly executed vacations. I’m not saying we shouldn’t strive for those perfectly smooth transactions during …


Recently, Sunday as a matter of fact, I lost a long time friend, Case. He had had some health issues, but his cause of death is as yet unknown. It’s really got to me and of course, makes me think of my achievements, and goals in life. One of my goals I had when I …

Travel Specials!

All people want the best price for their trip they can get. But, sometimes when looking at travel sites, you’re not comparing apples to apples…travel sites can often be misleading as to what exactly you are getting for your 1,000s of dollars for a trip. That’s why calling your travel agent can help. They will …

Why Use A Travel Agent?

In this day and age, everyone has access to a million (6 million to be exact) different travel companies, pricing, packages, and airfares. Why bother with a travel agent? There are some really good reasons to still use a travel agent, and no reason you shouldn’t do your research, too! If you like to research …