There are so many types of work from anywhere jobs now. It’s a great time to be alive and actually have some freedom from our work schedules!

For years I sat behind a desk and dreamed of a little more freedom. Fortunately, the type of job training I had is very conducive to a work from anywhere lifestyle.

The travel industry has changed enormously throughout the years, but it’s now a a point that you can be a travel agent and not be tied to a desk. With a little computer know-how and a whole lot of dedication, you too can become a travel agent!

As with any type of job, when you start out, the pay isn’t going to be what it could be in a 9-5 hourly pay type position. But the trade off is FREEDOM.

Florence, Italy

I mentioned dedication. Once you start your own business, you have to stick with it to see any kind of positive outcome. You also need to be detail focused, when it comes to travel. A born researcher doesn’t hurt either. These traits will help you become the type of travel agent you’d like to have…one that sees every detail coming together and able to give answers to questions that pop up from your clients. Of course you won’t know everything, even with research, but the willingness to assist your clients is a big motivator in finding the perfect vacation for others.

Or, maybe you would like to be an agent to book your own trips? There are some agencies that will allow for that, as well. Most agencies (parent company) will require a minimum sales quota per year, though. Whatever your motivation, there’s a “work from anywhere” type job for you. The earlier you start, the sooner you too can have more work/life freedom!